Friday, 22 April 2011

oh god...u gotta be kiddin me...

Pregnancy Dehydration Prevention:

As you might guess, the single best dehydration prevention is: Drink your water! Try to meet a minimum goal of 8 cups of water for you, and 24 cups of water a day for baby (amniotic fluid is replaced at the rate of approximately 1 cup per hour). Remember to increase your water intake if you're out in the sun, traveling, the humidity is high, or you're exercising.If you have a hard time stomaching ‘plain water’, try adding a splash of lemon, lime, cranberry, or other flavoring.
Stay away from caffeine, sodas, and processed fruit juices as these don’t rehydrate you, but actually act as diuretics making, you urinate more



1st, i am peeing A LOT less...and i wonder why...2nd, my pee is close to orange colour....BUT, i drank quite a bit of water.....So i just drank 500ml of water to see whether the water pass thru or not....Needa hydrate myself to prevent infection in the amniotic fluid..and make sure baby doesnt 'drown' in her own waste...lolz.

Muscle aches...YES.....AGAIN!

The muscles on my ribs still hurt...wrong sleeping position? I guess so....hungry hungry ALL THE TIME..

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

WEEK 25 update!

Your baby's arms and legs have grown to almost the proportions they will be at birth, which is still sort of short. So don't be alarmed when your newborn's arms barely clear his waist. Baby's nostrils, which have been plugged up until now, clear out (like he's taken a super-dose of Sudafed) and he can practice breathing through the nose. The structures of your baby's spine are now made up of 150 joints, 33 rings and some 1,000 ligaments. Can you believe you're growing something that complicated inside of you?

The capillaries, the teeniest blood vessels, are now forming in your baby's body, giving his formerly translucent skin a pink glow. The blood vessels in the lungs also develop this week. You'll see how well that worked out when your baby gives those lungs a workout while you're on line at the bank in a few months. 

Your baby weighs about a pound and a half and is about 13½ inches long—roughly the length of one of those recorders you played in elementary school music class. Who's up for a round of "Hot Cross Buns?" 

wow...and YOU tot being pregnant would be a breeze...

I have an eye stye...and my side hurts...left rib...the muscle....and i haven slept...too caught up with house..lolz...time to massage my ribs...

Tuesday, 19 April 2011

knuckles hurting...

Not only are my muscles knuckles are aching an old woman...and massaging wun help too...i have nails that are growing at amazing speed...and hair too...and i have pudding roots..blonde top. LOL. ow my joints and muscles...

wooo the back ache is back again

AND i have a feeling that most of my updates will be about my back aches...this sucks...SUCKS....relying on tiger balm now....will need a massage soon...but..i am afraid that it would do smt to my body and to i guess i will just have to depend on my own fingers and tiger balm...i can't sit, can't lay down in the same position for a long time...urgh...oh and a new update, I AM DEHYDRATED. just drinking so much water until i feel so damn bloated..but i am still thirsty...oh yea....TOILET ALL THE TIME...sick of it...3 more months to go!

Monday, 18 April 2011

oh crap....

oh sleeping time is getting later and later....opps...hahaha..but at least i am able to sleep anytime i its not insomnia..watching house...loving house..hahaha...ego guy....and i have ppl who says i am faking the pregnancy.....i am amused...oh..the fear of labour is kicking in...omg.....the fear of me tearing or having a that how u spell it? its like they cut open your vagina to allow baby's head to come out easier. Oh...i have tot of a name for would be Yap Jia Le Makayla...or Makayla Yap Jia Le. ^^ She's kicking me and it really tickles when i am laying on my side...hahaha...move move move....can't wait for 3rd trimester!

Sunday, 17 April 2011

I AM HUNGRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The hanger pangs are back! i am feeling hungry every 30 that even normal? gosh..

One more extra thing about being pregnant....

YOU CAN'T F(*&^&*()NG EMPTY YOUR BLADDER. Your bladder is not even full and you feel so 'FULL' and u go to the toilet and u pee....but when u tot u are done...u stand up and den u realise....THERE IS STILL PEE> comes the big BUT...BUT...u can't finish peeing while sitting down...u have to bend slightly to the front to empty the