MY seriously....She basically throws temper ANYTIME ANYWHERE without warning....and she is becoming a fussy eater....what can I do? I try my best to cook nice food...I AM A GOOD COOK...and she just puts the food in her mouth and leaves it in there for like.....10 mins? despite me asking her to bite and swallow...BUT.....BUT when it comes to goes down her stomach like a bullet. HELP
She is fully toilet trained when she is awake now.....28 months old now...2 years and 4 months...She still can't talk in full sentences...well, she has her own progress and development speed...Although most of her peers can utter full sentences...I dunno whether is it because of her hearing loss of her right ear that affects it...yeap, she is totally deaf in her right ear since birth. I feel bad, like I did smt wrong that caused her to be deaf...but..well...OH least she's smart.