Saturday 17 September 2011

Michaela Having fun in the playgym!

As you can see...she's more interested in the elephant...cos it has the ding dong sound when she touches it

Friday 16 September 2011

No fussy baby tonight!

I put Michaela to sleep earlier den she's supposed to so she wun be too tired to sleep and fuss like nobody's biz...and she's sleeping literally like a baby! I have prepared the water and the milk powder for any night feeding..i think there would be one around 1am and 7am..

A few rules I set for Michaela.

1) Michaela can fuss all she want but I WON'T respond to her immediately...reason? To let her know that fussing will get her nowhere. I'll just respond to her by saying " cannot fuss".

2)She has to be burped every 5 mins between feedings if not she'll spit up the milk like nobody's business. And I dun care if she cries for her milk when I'm burping...ITS FOR HER OWN GOOD. At the end of the feeding she's always a satisfied baby with no spit ups and finishes everything cos all the air is out and there's space for milk!

3)She has to bathe 2 times a day. One in the afternoon and one before she sleeps to wind her down.

4) Butt must be washed during diaper change to prevent diaper rash. Wet wipes are not enough and too much chemicals. She hasn't gotten any diaper rash till now! ^^

5) We go on evening walk everyday at 5pm or if the sun is still strong 6pm for 1 hour. I'll show her the flowers and leaves and the neighbourhood.

6) She hates tummy time to the max but I put her on my chest and she's ok. So her tummy time is on my tummy. Most of the time she'll fall asleep

That's all for

Thursday 15 September 2011

goal of the week: Take photo of michaela and do a day in a life description

Going to try to take 'studio' pics for Michaela and also do a day in a life of a young single mummy!

We showered tgt!

Michaela and me showered together..or rather she bathed i showered. We smell exactly the same cos I used her shampoo and body smell like a baby! So I put her in the 'sarong' and she's starting to fall asleep while i rock her..great! Then i can do my own stuff since its us at home only....

Michaela can now hold her head 45 degrees for about 10 secs on her belly. Guess her neck is growing stronger! Soon she'll be able to support her own neck. She's getting so big...waiting for her 3 month vaccinations....

Monday 12 September 2011

Happy 2 month old Michaela!!

Michaela is 2 months old now! Not much changes...only the sleeping overnight change...she wakes up around 5am for a morning feed and will go back to sleep till 8 or 9am. Can't wait for her to learn how to sit and start solids...

Sunday 11 September 2011