Saturday, 28 May 2011

Fresh fruit juice in the night!

Feel so refreshing after a cuppa freshly squeezed orange juice...and when i say fresh..i meant it..not PEEL was 5 oranges in the fridge just now..and now..ITS IN MY CUP! MUAHAHAHAHA.....Can't wait for tmr's baby shower! Still need a bulk of baby clothes...I don't mind hand me downs...actually i heard that babies will be more comfy in the preloved ones..So to save money....i'm gonna ask ppl for used baby clothes! <3.

Pregnancy Week 31 symptoms this are the top on the list symptoms that preggers feel in week 31.

More frequent urination: Your uterus puts more pressure on your bladder in the third trimester, giving it less room to store urine. Cut down on the bathroom trips by double voiding: Pee, then when you’re done, pee again. That’ll make sure you’ve emptied your bladder completely.
Occasional headaches: If tension is twisting your head up in knots, try spending a few minutes in a dark, quiet room. If you’re at work, close your eyes and put your feet up for 15 minutes.
Varicose veins: Your growing uterus is also putting pressure on your blood vessels, which along with pregnancy hormones and increased blood volume creates the perfect set-up for varicose veins. Take a walk (or even better, several) during the day, or make sure to get in some other form of low-key, circulation-boosting exercise.
Possible nasal congestion: As if a swollen belly, feet, and fingers weren’t enough, now you may be contending with swollen nasal passages, making for one stuffy feeling. You’ll get relief when you deliver, but until then saline sprays or nasal strips can help clear up the stuffiness. (Antihistamines and nasal sprays are usually off-limits, but check in with your practitioner for other recommendations).
Lower abdominal achiness: Blame that growing belly of yours again for those growing pains around your middle. The best thing to do? Yep, you know the drill: Get off your feet for a while.
Backaches: That burgeoning belly can also do a number on your back as it curves to accommodate the load. If you haven’t already, now is the time to incorporate some prenatal yoga into your exercise routine — the stretches will relax your back (and your mind!).
Increasing clumsiness: Your shifting posture (not to mention your increasing girth) and lack of concentration (see below) may make you clumsier these days. Take it easy when you’re climbing into the shower or tub and roll up any area rugs that could trip you up at home.
Forgetfulness: Welcome to mommy (to-be) brain — a condition that’s a result of shrinking brain-cell volume in the third trimester (don’t worry — your brain cells go back to normal a few months after delivery). Don’t stress out about your foggy memory (stress just makes it worse). Write things down (or program them into your smart phone) and delegate responsibility (if possible).
Difficulty sleeping: This is another common third-trimester woe, caused by a constellation of other conditions, such as leg cramps, heartburn, frequent urination, and plain old anxiety (with a dash of pregnancy hormones). If tension keeps you tossing and turning all night, talk it out with friends (or other WTE members) or your partner during the day.

Let me see which ones i have....EVERYTHING except for the varicose veins,,HENG AH,,,,

Week 31 pregnancy!

Chances are your diaphragm is feeling a little cramped these days. Okay, a lot cramped. That's because your uterus is pushing up against it (and all the other organs in there), crowding your lungs and making it more difficult for them to expand fully. The result: Your body is spare on air and will be until your baby drops near the end of pregnancy in preparation for birth. But don’t worry: Your baby is as happy as a clam because he’s getting his oxygen from the placenta.

Movin' on up at 31 weeks pregnant, your uterus can now be felt four inches above your belly button. This means that your uterus is pushing all the internal organs that used to be there somewhere else. So your stomach feels like it's in your chest and your lungs feel like… hmmm… they don't even feel like they're there anymore — do they? That could explain why you're feeling a little spare on air lately, don't you think?

Indeed, in an effort to provide spacious-enough accommodations for your soon-to-be bouncing baby boy or girl, your growing uterus has compressed your lungs, limiting their ability to fully expand when you take a breath and causing you to feel like you've just run a marathon when you've only climbed a flight of stairs. While this shortness of breath during pregnancy may feel very uncomfortable to you, your baby is blissfully unaware and unaffected. Your fetus gets all the oxygen it needs through the placenta. So relax and take a deep breath (if you can).
That out-of-breath feeling may get better toward the end of your pregnancy, when your baby (and its uterine home) drops down into your pelvis in preparation for delivery. Until then, be sure to stand as straight as you can (given the weight you're carrying around) and sleep propped up or on your side so that your lungs have more space to… well, breathe.

*Info thanks to Heidi Murkoff, Author of what to expect when you're expecting* ^^

heart thumping too fast.....

My heartrate AT REST is 122bmp..ALWAYS above after a warm shower....i'm panting...gosh....i miss extreme hot showers...but I can't...i smell good tho...shampoo and body wash...I just did the laundry. I'm feeling fatigue...its creeping in...slowly...creepy crawly fatigue...

what should I have for dinner....hmmm..........

Good morning world!

Gonna be busy today! preparation for the baby shower, cook birdnest....LOL....teach....and Michaela's still in my ribs....argh!!!!!

Friday, 27 May 2011

time for some zzzzzs

sleeping time......tummy is feeling weird tho..hungry I think.....

addition to the bloated tummy.......BACK ACHE!!

Can't stand properly and can't walk properly...this sucks.....the ache is like crap!!!!!

oh stomach feels like as if its gonna burst!!!

ARGH!!! My stomach feels like as if i ate 10 bowls of rice....SO BLOATED!!!!! Can't even sit down back aches to the max!!! urgh.......T.T help!!!! It hurts so bad....really bad.....

Michaela's baby update!

Weight: 1.606kg (+/- 234g), 3lb 9oz(+/- 8oz)
Length (height) : 42cm
Heart rate: 145bpm
Cord is 2 rounds around the neck(crap)
Femur Length (thigh bone): 7.67  Longer than 76% of Americans
Abdominal Circumference (waist): Larger than 35% of Americans (slim and nice)
Biparietal diameter (head circumference) : 7.67cm larger than 59% of Americans (basically means big head)
EDD moved to 30/7/2011

SHE HAS HAIR ALREADY!!! And as according to the doc...LOTS of hair...=.=
Oh, and she's head down..perfect position for birth!

Back from check up!

Baby is 42cm now!!!!!!!!!!! BUT.....cord is around her neck...2 ROUNDS...gosh....Michaela...DO ME A FAVOUR and do yourself a favour..PLEASE TURN THE OTHER WAY so the cord will turn out from your neck......1.6kg now! WOHHOOO!!!

Baby kicking after a nice warm shower!

A shower in the morning feels great! freshen up, clear all the pores...blah blah blah..Michaela loves showers!

Good morning!!!! TODAY IS CHECK UP DAY!!!!

Good Da Morning Dudes and Dudettes! Its CHECK UP DAY!!! I am officially in my 31st week and can't wait to tsee Michaela's progress! Breakfast for today? HALF A SUN MELON! woohoo!!! Call me a melon freak i dun care. I had half yesterday and now another half! ^^ nom nom nom nom nom. I miss waking up to Jurong scenery....the wind...the 'foul' air...LOL. The air from the factories from Jurong island...nom nom nom....had a very very bad back ache yesterday night....right! I shall refer to yesterday night as Yesternight from now yesternight I had a very bad back I'm kinda getting used to it already...1 more month to go!

Thursday, 26 May 2011

There is something wrong with my heart beat...

Yea...MY heart beat...not Michaela's....Its forever above wonder i keep feeling SOOO hot and breathless....and its 122bpm AT REST. I was just sitting down doing nothing. interesting...

way to high baby!!

Michaela...your legs are TOO HIGH UP INTO MY LUNGS!!! i can sit normally..cos her legs will be in my damn hot also..


Good da morning peeps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i also dunno why i so high......(bad english i know)..HIGHNESS!!!!! lalalaalalalalalalalaalalala

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

great.I just puked out everything i ate in the last 3 hours...

I PUKED. So damn nauseous....i puked the prata and curry and milk tea....urgh...and i took a warm shower and made myself a cup of protein shake plus nutri fresh....this sucks....Just the smell of curry makes me puke...PUI....lucky the protein powder taste nice...

OMG......I have never felt so bloated in my life b4....

I had 2 prata...and I AM DAMN BLOATED UNTIL I WANNA PUKE....gosh.....


I booked a changing table...

Legs in my ribs plus hiccups...

Michaela is having her legs in my ribs now and having hiccups...PERFECT.

oh gosh.....I CAN'T breathe!!!!

I am just lying down here doing nothing and I CAN'T BREATHE!! It feels like as if I have ran I wish i had a bath tub....yes yes Michaela....I know you are awake...dun need to kick my side until so itchy. This is worst breathless moment I have in the entire pregnancy...and guess wad? IT WILL GET WORSE. HELP!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOOOO......and my eyes sting....another preggers symptom....toilet time.


Good morning to you...good morning to you...good morning good morning...good morning to you....*sneezes 2 times*

Just had my nutrifresh with my prenatal pills and calcium pills and some pearl pill. nom nom nom.

Michaela's favouring my right side today...zzz...making my a bit lob sided. lolz. her head is at the left pelvic bone but her legs are in my right rib....seems like a favourite position for babies i realise...

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Great dinner..great bath....hope that it will continue with great sleep....

Had lots and lots of beef! Had a shower and now...TIME TO SLEEP! or rather i am still waiting for my hair to dry..but its almost done and my eyes are closing..time to go to bed.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Maternity pants FTW!!

Wow....I had no idea maternity pants were so comfy till my tummy is this size....which i will upload on Friday. It has support for the tummy and I CAN BREATH in it..

Baby's leg are is in my ribs....

while sitting down here watching tv...i have something in my ribs i guess its her legs or arms..hopefully its legs..

Today's fatigue is WOW

i just woke up and ate my breakfast.....nutrifresh and 1 huge pear...and now..I'M sleepy....wad is happening?!?!? zzzz.....zzzzzz.......z..z.z.z.z.zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz......I bathed somemore...I guess...fatigue is back...i slept from 5pm till 6am...13 hours and STILL SLEEPY?! making isn't easy. My brain is sleepy....its like 4 hours of sleep and you are forced to wake up....that kinda feeling...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


yea i wake up 6am everyday...and this is the time where I have my breakfast...catch some shows on the tv...research on baby...and the day of non stop eating starts. LOL

I have an alien inside me!!!

Moving moving moving moving moving moving...CONFIRM...DOUBLE CONFIRM..her waking up time is 6am every morning. Time to adjust my sleeping time....urgh...

How my baby is supposed to look inside...

seriously?? So big meh??? How come I dun feel it?? =.= 

Monday, 23 May 2011

great....I just ate..AGAIN.

I had 3rd lunch....the same rice vege soup...gosh....WAD DE HELL AM I DOING??!?!?!

what I have eaten as of today.....

2 bowls of rice, sambal potato leaves, broccoli with carrots, long beans with egg, white and red carrot soup. Cheese fries, 1 magnum white, 1 apple.


To the left to the the right to the right...

Michaela's the left to the the right to the right....poking here poking happening inside....dancing to CSI music...=.=


hahaha just now in the morning at 6am when i woke up, i turned on my itouch and shine it on my tummy since Michaela was awake. SHE POKED ME BACK. lol. And i think she meant "get the light off my face".....on the bright side, I can know for sure she's not i did it a 2nd time...i got nudged...LOL..ops...*mean ass mum*. HAHAHAHHA...but its damn hilarious for baby to respond thru the tummy. And i tot i had too much fats that would block the light...haha and while i'm typing here, baby is kicking like mad. Oh yea..i sprained my neck...bad sleeping posture...PUI!

Fatigue is back!

I slept and slept and slept from 4pm-6am today morning! lolz. LONG SLEEP! hibernate. I lay in my bed till 615 and got up and made myself blueberry pancakes! nom nom nom , HOME MADE NOT READY MADE. it turned out...okay, And ended it with a lychee juice. And now after eating...i'm sleepy again..=.=

oh and did i mention that i cut my hair? lol. like 3 inches off. DAMN SHORT NOW! but i dun give a damn. weather is hot, i need to focus on more important stuff other den my hair. I look like how I looked like when i was in sec sch....the damn short hair. but den again, my hair grows damn fast. preperation for labour....ok..a bit too early to say labour..but i love to be prepared.

Sunday, 22 May 2011

3rd trimester vid!

3rd trimester!

Week 28 to birth
In the third trimester you will probably be feeling a combination of excitement as the birth approaches, mixed with an increasing desire to hurry things along. As you are now carrying a large weight around, you will experience a number of symptoms related specifically to your increasing size. By now your uterus, which used to weigh about 50grams, will be carrying your baby, the placenta and up to about a litre of amniotic fluid, so it is little wonder that you will be feeling a bit uncomfortable.


Shortness of breath

Your diaphragm is increasingly pushed up by your growing uterus, which decreases lung capacity. At the same time, progesterone is causing you to breathe more deeply ensuring that, although your lung capacity is decreased, you are actually taking in a higher volume of air. Improving your posture can help you breath easier. If you are having any difficulty sleeping, try propping yourself up on pillows or lay on your side.
Sleeping difficulties
Because of your increasing size and shortness of breath, you may find that sleeping is more difficult during this trimester. Try sleeping on your side or using pillows to prop yourself into a comfortable position.
Leaking urine
Increasing pressure on your bladder can cause slight leakage of urine when you cough or laugh, however this should not be a problem after the baby is born.
Skin changes
Varicose veins can appear in later pregnancy as the growing uterus exerts pressure on the veins in the legs. Talk to your doctor if you are concerned about them and take the following steps to try to improve circulation;
  • Do not cross your legs when sitting
  • If possible, maintain exercise to promote circulation (always check with your specialist before starting new exercise during pregnancy)
  • Try not to stand for long periods of time
  • When possible, elevate your legs
Itchy skinYour abdomen in particular can become itchy as the skin stretches and tightens. Keep your skin well moisturised and try not to scratch.
Stretch marks
Stretch marks inevitable for many women during pregnancy. They generally appear as streaks on your breasts, abdomen and upper thighs and unfortunately there is little that can be done about them. Do not worry too much however, as they should slowly fade. Cocoa butter is said to be helpful for reducing reducing stretch marks and can also ease itchiness.
Preparing for labour
During this trimester, you should begin preparing for labour. Prepare your Labour Kit and Hospital Bag. It is normal to be feeling nervous about the birth (especially if it is your first).
If you are worried about anything, then be sure to check with your doctor or specialist to ease your concerns.
Preparing your home for the baby
Many women are superstitious about buying baby items too early in their pregnancy, however, now is the time to ensure that you have prepared your home for baby's arrival. You will need to sort out your baby's nursery and purchase some essential equipment to get you through the first weeks at home with your new baby.


NOT THE STRETCH MARKS. Yea I've gotten them like when I went thru puberty.....but...this time....OMG.....ITS BACK!!!! T.T I spam vit E everyday sia...ok..not everyday..but MOST of the days...well..part and parcel of being preggers and a mum.....BABY FTW!!!! Michaela FTW!!! Can't wait for Friday's appointment. ^^ To see how Michaela's doing. Whether my placenta has moved up...PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!!! Oh pimples are back...bad skin is bad...hormones are roaring again...fatigue is back...ARGH....oh yea...belly button is popping out....and NOT FORGETTING THE STRETCH MARKS!


One bowl of milk and cornflakes!

Good morning everybody!!!!!

I'm feeling sooooooooo gassy today. All the trapped wind in my intestines with Michaela moving about. I just dun get it, why can't the people just shut up???? The most absurd things about my aunties, I dunno which one is their mouth. They should learn how to clean their mouth. 'aiyoh, u let her give birth to one, later she give birth to 10 more for u(my mum) to take care ah.' biggest trolls on earth. Clean your mouth dumb shits. Karma will come to u. I will just watch and see how karma attacks each and single one of u who said that. I am proud of me keeping my baby. It is a sign of responsibility. What 'give birth to 10 more'?? Seriously, brainless. If I abort, I can always get pregnant and always abort what. Which is even worse. You all just sit down, see how I bring my daughter up to have a nice and clean mouth unlike u trolls. Keep to yourself, don't be so childish and talk so much crap. Tyvm.