Saturday, 7 May 2011

hahaha love this phrase from the website i was reading..

A full body pregnancy pillow is not a luxury… it is a must have accessory, one that will help you sleep, relax, may help reduce edema and help support your neck, back, legs, belly and any other body part you want before, during and after pregnancy.

10 Reasons why you'll want to breastfeed:

  1. It's simple and quick (no bottles, measuring or mixing!).
  2. It protects your baby from diseases, viruses, stomach pain, and infections, and lowers their risk of allergies and asthma.
  3. Your milk contains oxytocin - the "love hormone", which helps you and your baby bond with one another.
  4. It also contains over 400 vitamins, minerals, fats, and proteins NOT present in any formula out there.
  5. Breastfed babies have higher IQs. (The longer you breastfeed, the higher the IQ of the child.)
  6. It's custom-tailored specifically to your child's nutrition and immunity needs.
  7. It protects your baby against SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome).
  8. It burns about 500 extra calories a day for YOU. Breastfeeding = quicker postpartum weight loss!
  9. It contains special brain-promoting proteins and fats not found in any formula out there.
  10. It's 100% free (well, pumps and nursing bras aren't, but they're still cheaper than a year's worth of formula).

Friday, 6 May 2011

Baby update!

Your Baby in Week 28 of Pregnancy

Your baby is settling into the proper position for birth, with his head facing downward (toward your body's nearest exit!). Your little work in progress is now about 2.5 pounds and almost 16 inches long. He's busy adding new skills such as blinking to an already impressive repertoire of tricks like coughing, sucking, hiccuping, and taking practice breaths. Your baby's sleep now includes the REM (rapid eye movement) phase — and that means he could be dreaming already (what do you suppose he's dreaming about?).

Your Body in Week 28 of Pregnancy

While it's good news that your baby is settling into the right position for childbirth (since you're now entering the third trimester), the potentially painful news is his head — plus the weight of your uterus — may now be sitting on your sciatic nerve, which runs through the lower part of your back, buttocks, and legs. This common condition (called sciatica) can cause sharp, shooting pain and/or tingling or numbness, starting in your rear end and radiating down the backs of your legs. The best thing to do for sciatica (and the rest of your week 28 aches and woes)? Take it easy — and hope your baby changes position sooner rather than later.

OKAY! New update on a good fren of mine!

So, Sah-leen pek actually didn't know i play the violin...until i told her i TEACH the violin....GIRL!!! you have known me for like...almost...6 years?? lolz. all those who dunno me, i have been learning the violin since 4/5 and the piano since 14/15....and i TEACH both instruments...gonna be a stay home mum...teach from from home...take care of Makayla too! So yea....Music is probably the only thing i am talented in...with? wadever...and COOKING! right...i think i'm gonna make cooking tutorials them up on my blog so u guys can see wad i cook for a pregger...HAHAHAHHA


OMGAWD.....Makayla has been kicking.....10 times MORE than usual. It's crazy!!!!! Especially today! by right its the 1st day of my 3rd trimester..i guess...28th week..YEA....and she's like officially announcing to the world...I AM IN THE HOME STRETCH!! FINAL TRIMESTER AND I AM READY TO COME OUT OF MUMMY! So, i have been watching a lot of youtube videos on other mummies preggers LOOK HUGE!! But i am still so body isn't puny...neither is my tummy..but my tummy is puny for 7 months! I look...4 months??? okay..anyway most of them actually had an INCH per WEEK growth in their i guess my tummy will have the growth spurt starting? Makayla's gonna run out of place to do her stuns and gymnastics thingy already...Placenta is still low....sometimes i feel pressure..;better rest more! reduce walking..hopefully it'll move up at the end of the month!

Okay! For my sweeties who have been following my blog!

Hey, thanks guys/girls who are following my blog and giving me support! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Eh.....ok. My due date somewhere between END july or EARLY august.  But, we're keeping it at 1st august as a according to the ultrasound dudes and dudettes....1st of AUGUST!!!!! Keep reading my blog y'all!

Thursday, 5 May 2011

Fresh orange juice!

So, kak kak didn't cook soup today so i took it into my own hands and i am now cooking soup. kampong chicken with carrots, potatoes, tomato, scallop, red dates...gonna be nice! So, while waiting for the soup to cook, i'm watching tlc and drinking fresh orange juice...freshly squeezed!

Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Early morning bird!

I have just finished my 1st student of the day. B4 my student I had a great breakfast! Fruit 'tart'..not really tart tart but...bread? What do u call the texture...layered? wadever la...its damn nice and perk me up for my day! although i dragged myself outta bed..i am proud of not cancelling lesson. ^^ huge step towards success!

Sunday, 1 May 2011

time to go sleep....

My hair smells so nice...nice of herbal essence...time to go sleep! nights dudes and dudettes!

Belly update! (i know there a few who are dying to know how it looks like now)

This was how i look at 21 weeks....

NOW FOR THE 26 weeks update: *drum roll*



MY SKIN LOOKS RED. yea i just checked...I AM NOT KIDDIN...ITS RED!!!.. okay...So, i just did my laundry, waiting for it to be washed in the washing machine (unlike some ppl who buy washing machine but still ask the maid to use hand). 40 mins to go! And i just cleaned my room, updated Makayla's time-line wall...which is mostly the huge updates bi-weekly of Makayla including her movements, her growth and pregnancy symptoms. SO, this weeks symptoms:
 I have been sleeping 12 hours a day....roughly 7pm i would be asleep and i would wake up around 6am-7am and i would laze around and make breakfast and start my day. Mostly practicing piano, planning the baby's stuff...fruitful...and when i am done with those, i watch labor and birth i know wad is up on pregnancy..and of course talk to Makayla and God, since Makayla's given to me by God, I will help her talk to God 1st and when she comes, she can 'self service' and talk to HIM thru Jesus. ANYWAY....Gonna get a playpen from mothercare..its around 100 odd dollars. Can be used till the baby is 4 or 5. worth it. Makayla's having hicucps in me again..hahaha. practicing too much breathing. Or maybe i sneezed tooo hard just now and shocked her...LOL...sorry makaykay......back to the topic! So, i'll be going to malaysia maybe end of the month to get some baby supplies..CHEAP CHEAP tub...wad else...oh..DIAPERS..DAMN cheap over there...*yawns* DID i mention i've got 4 pillows?? LOL. Trust me..there is no such thing as TOO MANY PILLOWS when u are pregnant. loving it! Maybe that's why i have been sleeping SO MUCH..which is good cause I've got a low lying placenta...which will lead to bleeding in later part of pregnancy...or even risk having a c section which i DO NOT WANT. But, most probably, the placenta will shift up during the last 1-2 months...hopefully i will get a vaginal delivery....stitches DOWN THERE is better den A LOT OF STITCHES BETWEEN MUSCLES AND WADEVER NOTS. >.< Great, I'm hungry. zzzzzzzz time for food!