Saturday, 21 May 2011

ALL I want to do..


heartburn again....

Seriously...what the hell is up with the heartburn?!?!?!? most 10 more weeks of heartburn...its gonna get worse...I can feel acid up in my throat. And it sucks, and sometimes it will 'migrate' up to my mouth and KILL ME. 7.5 months down....2 more to go!

Yes, same time every night....I AM AWAKE!!

If u realise I am always awake at the same time. LOL. Good morning Michaela! Move here move there..but too bad hor...LESSER SPACE ALREADY....getting all cramped up inside and that's why less movements...but when there's is movement mostly its nudges and hiccups. Time to go find info on baby! research research!!!

Friday, 20 May 2011

omg omg omg

oh crap.....i almost shitted my pants...i had heart lasted for a few secs only but suddenly my heart was out of sync....gosh...lucky i read that its normal to have these during pregnancy......gosh...scare the shit out of me..too much stress I guess...


Bought the baby laundry detergent. Gonna start washing baby clothes!


omg...i am burping NON STOP.....the gas in my stomach is CRAZY!!!

done with pasta....

Hunger GONE..heartburn WELCOME!. stomach feels so sourish....urgh.....


TOO hungry....just too hungry..pasta! ONE HUGE BOWL!

ahahahahahahahhaa baby was shocked from my digestive system sound!

I am damn hungry and kinda having a gassy intestine. My tummy just decided to growl and Michaela had a sudden movement...lolz. awwwwww baby. I can 100% that my baby is a movie theatre addict...LIKE ME!! OMG SHE JUST ROLLED OVER WHILE I WAS TYPING THIS. =.= yes baby i'm talking about you. who? YES U MICHAELA! complaining about my tummy growling...'MUMMY!, GET SOME FOOD!' hahaa.

OMG.....I slept at 10 and now i am awake....=.=

Standard time for Michaela to kick me up! NOT that i dun wanna sleep ah...u see i slept and now i woke up thanks to the MMA fighter inside me...ARGHHHH and i am damn hungry......*mumbles* Its damn noisy outside....3:36am and they are dunno doing wad construction at the rubbish dump. PUI! contribute to noise pollution.

Thursday, 19 May 2011

SO damn tired

Gonna crash....slept too little today. Had a great day, great dinner great everything! Michaela's happy too! Time to sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Nights! Dudes and Dudettes!

I managed to catch some sleep!

from 3-530! least i got some sleep right??? gonna have a long day today! i should get a java chip later! HEEEEEEEE.....kinda feeling heaty today....made myself some honey....mmmm....DAMN SWEET. LOL...i had to add 2 ROUNDS of water to make it right. had sugar raisin bread. *loves* nom nom nom nom nom. Gonna do my make up today. It has been AGES since I last did a nice make up. Do up my hair....gonna go to clementi for dinner later with a family friend. Michaela gets damn excited when i talk to my gerbils in baby voice. hhahaha...she'll keep moving and moving and moving and when i stop she stops...gonna wear tank top and shorts too hot...

Week 30 update!

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 2.91 pounds (1.319kg) and measuring 15.71 inches (39.9cm).

How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 4 inches (10 cm) above your bellybutton and about 12 inches (23cm) above your pubic symphysis.
At this stage of your pregnancy you may feel as if you are beginning to run out of room or that you may actually explode at any minute. Not to worry, you only have another 10 weeks to go . The bad news is that your uterus, placenta and baby will get bigger, although you will certainly not explode.

How is your baby developing and growing
Your baby is usually quite active already at this stage and it might happen that a knot will developed in the baby's umbilical chord, however this doesn't occur very often. Should this happen to your baby, you need not worry, as this will not prevent the umbilical cord from functioning properly.
By this week red blood cell production will be taken over entirely by your babys bone marrow. Up until this stage this has been taken care of by tissue groups called blood islands.
The brain will start to develop convolutions. A convoluted brain contains more cells - and is thus more powerful than a brain with a flat surface.
Nerve cell transmission will begin to speed up with the aid of myelin, also known as myelinization. Myelin is a fatty substance which coats the outside of the nerve cells and helps to improve the efficiency of nerve messages being sent to and from your babys brain.

he lanugo which covers your baby's body will have almost disappeared by the end of this week, and your baby will probably have a full set of hair - or at least close to one. Your babys toenails will also be fully present.

Change In You
You would have noticed your vaginal discharge or the course of your pregnancy would have been pretty consistent. It is not uncommon for the discharge to increase around this time of your pregnancy, and it is no cause for alarm, as this is quite normal. Of course there are occasions when you will want to call your health care provider if:
 If your discharge appears 'thin' or watery
 If your discharge is white, or causing a burning or itching sensation
 If your discharge is foul-smelling, frothy or yellow, green, or gray
Your Nutrition
Many women want to know if it is safe to drink herbal teas during their pregnancy. Although most are safe to drink, some are not. Here is a list of what herbal teas you can drink and the benefits you may enjoy from them:
 Chamomile : aids ingestion
 Dandelion : Helps with swelling and may soothe an upset stomach
 Ginger Root : Helps with nausea and nasal congestion
 Nettle Leaf : Is rich in iron, calcium and other beneficial minerals and vitamins.
 Peppermint : Relieves gas and calms the stomach
 Red Raspberry : Helps with nausea and stabilizes hormones


How can i just eat and feel hungry again????? HOW ON EARTH IS THAT POSSIBLE??!?!? I ate rice, kai lan with ginger, long beans with chili and dried prawns and a bowl of pork rib soup. That was...let me see.....2 hours ago??? oh ya...2 hours ago....enuf for my stomach to digest whatever i eat...i get hungry soo damn easily after eating vege....needa add more meat to my diet...but NOW......TIME TO FIND FOOD!!! So hungry....what can i eat????? Bao??? Noodles???? argh!!!!!! I shall see wad there is to eat...

Wednesday, 18 May 2011

I just dun understand...

Why do babies in the womb get SO active after the mum had a meal?? I just ate and Michaela's moving like mad!!! Did my digestive system wake her up??? LOL

I just found out.....TIME FOR SOME SHOPPING!!

I did up my baby checklist...and i realised...I HAVEN BOUGHT A LOT OF THINGS!!!! changing mat...the milk bottle shampoo....SOCKS...HOW CAN I NOT HAVE SOCKS?!??! Baby's sleeping place....i decided to buy a crib. Going to get from ikea. What else...some storage system for the baby. nappy rash cream...SO MANY THINGS...i can't even remember how many other things i'm tub...wash clothes...needa start washing her clothes next month after my check up. Its coming very very soon.

Michaela's been quite lazy these few days..not really moving...i guess uterus space is getting smaller for her...she can only mange small movements...but sometimes her kicks are so sudden and strong. and it would be silence a while and den suddenly 'OMPH'! I got kicked/elbowed/punched in my now....but she's hiccuping A LOT. practicing for breathing outside the womb i guess. Good job baby! Practice makes perfect. 1 more month to baby's arrival! Or more. 1-2 months.

omg....scary news i just heard...

A fren told me that there was this fren of hers whose baby died in her uterus at 38 weeks....OMG>...38 weeks??!?!?! reason??

during the last 2 weeks the mom ate too much heaty food and her body was too hot and the baby wasn't comfortable and it kept turning and turning inside her womb and the umbilical cord tied around her neck a few rounds  and the baby was suffocated inside..OMG......moral of the story...DUN LET PREGGERS GET TO HOT!!!!!


hahahaha...Michaela's sleep cycle is almost in my grasp! Her active time is 2am-4am. And now she's awake! lalalalala. Meeting lynn at 1130 tmr for lunch!

Oh and thanks to a friend who is passing me some baby stuff. Appreciate it! Can save a lot on those. gonna look for a crib next. I think i would wanna use it.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

wow....breast pads will be up to use soon!

While i was boobs LEAKED! it was like a warm sensation at the nips area and I checked...COLOSTRUM!!! the clear sticky liquid...omg...boobies are preparing for milk production. How cool! Meaning it is soon that Michaela will be joining us! excited!~

Its fried hokkien mee for breakfast!

I gained 2 kg this month...needa start looking at what i am eating...weight gain is in the normal range so i am not so worried. think its growing at my baby...according to ppl who see me...i didn't gain any weight except on my baby is measuring larger den i think baby is growing up well this month. Can't wait for the next checkup! last week of the more week! Can't wait to see how much Michaela has grown. apple juice with csi...perfect. Gonna go to sleep after a few episodes. Will be home alone..have to settle my lunch myself today...gonna be tofu and prawns...with rice and xiao bai cai and herbal soup. hahahaha...i have planned my lunch/dinner. I shall upload on how to cook the meal later. pic tut...

My fetal development this week!

Monday, 16 May 2011

healthy snack!

So....after having my dinner....and 1 movie..I WAS HUNGRY. I made myself a healthy snack. blueberries, strawberries honeymelon and corn flakes with yogurt with a spoon of condensed milk.

Freshness of the shower!

Shampoo and body wash...the smell of herbal essence and watermelon smell body wash...vitamin E ALL over my body...ahhhh...the freshness....

One of the worse Braxton hicks contractions...

I am having really bad cramps in my just hurts. That's it. HURTS worse den period cramps...its either i am really dehydrated or something is wrong...but Michaela's moving A LOT. so its not her. its me. AND...GOOD NEWS!! She has moved up! yea...she's now above my belly button which is good compared to b4..but bad for me...cos thats the reason i have been getting really bad heartburn...really really bad ones....even b4 i was preggers i have been having those sickening heartburns and acid its just..bad...damn bad...and i can't sleep...awake since yesterday 8pm. Gonna try to go to sleep..hopefully i can sleep cos i am damn tired....zzzzzzzzzzzzz

just another day...

yawns........lalaaaallaa...its just another boring day...nothing much...right..i needa make a newborn checklist...and also plan my day to go to malaysia to stock up...and plan the baby shower!

Sunday, 15 May 2011


Insomnia During Pregnancy — What It Is

The inability to fall or stay sleep, especially in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Insomnia During Pregnancy — What Causes It

A complicated combination of hormones and a number of unhelpful conditions, such as frequent urination, persistent heartburn during pregnancy, leg cramps, and pre-birth anxiety can all cause difficulty sleeping during pregnancy.

Insomnia During Pregnancy — What You Need to Know

You're probably getting more shut-eye than you think, but between any anxieties you might be feeling about the baby's birth, the fact that your sleep is interrupted by your need to pee, and the fact that you're tossing and turning all night (it's not easy to sleep with a watermelon), it's no wonder you're feeling as if you're not sleeping during pregnancy at all. If there's any bright side here, it's the assurance that you're getting some solid practice for what lies ahead.

Insomnia During Pregnancy — What You Can Do About It

  • Don't worry. Insomnia can't hurt you or your baby. Plus, sometimes just letting go of the worry is all it takes to help you sleep.
  • Clear the emotional decks. If you have persistent worries that are keeping you up nights, talk about them with a friend or your partner and try to sort them out during daylight hours — or try writing them down.
  • Take your time at dinner. Don't wolf your food down, and keep the pace leisurely so that heartburn doesn't keep you tossing and turning. And try not to eat dinner too close to bedtime (a full tummy can make you too energized — or too uncomfortable to sleep).
  • Avoid caffeine and chocolate in the late afternoon or evening, since they can keep you awake. A light snack will tide you over until breakfast, but choose it wisely — a whole-grain muffin and a glass of milk (warm it if you like; it could help you get to sleep), or a cheese stick and a few dried apricots.
  • Fill your daily requirement of fluids during the early evening to cut down on bathroom runs after you've hit the hay.
  • Get some daily pregnancy exercise, but not too close to bedtime (a post-workout buzz can keep you awake).
  • Make a bedtime routine. Try to go to sleep and get up at the same time every day. Every night, read a book, listen to soothing music, or watch TV until drowsiness sets in.
  • Try lulling yourself into a sleepy state with a warm bath and a cup of warm milk, or solicit your partner for a relaxing prenatal massage.
  • If you're uncomfortable, you won't sleep. Is your bedroom too cold? Is it a sauna? Check the temperature, and make sure you're using a mattress and pillows that provide solid support without feeling like bricks. A body pillow can help you get comfortable, and help you get the sleep you need. Open a window to keep the room from getting stuffy — you're sure to heat up during the night.
  • If you're doing daytime activities in bed, you might be unwittingly associating that part of your home with being awake — and with stress. Pay your bills in the kitchen, and save the bed for its more traditional purposes — lovemaking (if you and your partner are still interested) and sleeping.
  • Don't use sleep aids (over-the-counter, prescription, or herbal) or alcohol to help you sleep. These are dangerous during pregnancy.
  • If you're not sleeping, get up. Conquer a small task that needs to be done (think bill paying for 15 minutes, not scrubbing the toilet) — and then try to go to sleep again. You may just be tired enough by that point to get the rest you need.
  • Don't count the hours — though most people do best on eight hours of sleep, some do fine on less and some need more. So instead of aiming for a particular number of sleep hours — ask yourself how you're feeling on the hours you're sleeping during pregnancy. If you're not chronically tired, you may be getting enough rest.

what the hell....

I am so damn tired and sleepy...BUT I CAN'T FALL ASLEEP!!!! WHY WHY WHY?!??!?!??! Baby is having hiccups again...I turn off the lights I am wide awake...and when i switch on the lights...and look at my lappy...i just wanna sleep....this is damn bad....I'm having braxton hicks contractions again. this time strong entire uterus will just become SOOO hard and den it relaxes and it becomes hard again and relaxes...argh...its driving me mad...


I am now in week 30?!???!?!?!? WOW......i was in week 27 just "YESTERDAY"...CAN U BELIEVE IT?! I was still thinking i was in week 29...Michaela is gonna come out soon!!! 10 more weeks!!! OMG.....SERIOUSLY......ARGH!!!!!! Nesting nesting! No wonder my tummy grew SOOO much!!! Can't wait for the check up i have coming up in 2 weeks it should be NEXT week...cos its gonna be 27th of this month...i would be in week 31! WOOHOOO!! Can't wait to see how much she has grown. I am starting to feel the back and legs...I have around 2kg worth of stuff in me...the baby the amniotic fluid and the placenta which i hope WILL MIGRATE UP! I dun want a C section. Oh shower coming up soon too!! 29th. DUDETTES I'LL SEE YOU THAT DAY!