Saturday 15 October 2011

Bumbo seat

Michaela's neck is getting stronger! Soon it'll be time for her to learn to sit with support! So I've decided yo get her a bumbo seat!

Tuesday 11 October 2011


My little baby girl is now 64cm! I just measured her! Growing so long already....continue to grow baby girl! She now poops twice a day every 2 days...and sometimes when she's hungry, she'll take in 180 ml of milk. Which is I think quite a bit for her age. Guess its her growth spurt these few days again...

Monday 10 October 2011


Michaela is 12 weeks old today! Her neck is getting stronger and stronger. Soon....*crossing my fingers* she'll be able to sit on her own. LOOKING FORWARD! Loving motherhood life. ^^. I have started work teaching music and its tiring! But $$$$$$$$ Going to have some briefing later! Hope it'll end fast and I can rush home to be with my munchkin. <3