Saturday, 14 May 2011

Changing baby's name spelling!

I would be sticking to Michaela instead of Makayla.....


Ow....i am sitting down doing my new music website...and SHE was asleep until..NOW. And when she's asleep i can sit relaxed and slouch a bit....but when she's awake..SHE STRETCHES. And her legs will hit my stomch and ribs and have no choice but to sit up very very straight.....1st time i WORKED for 8 hours non stop....i finished my webpage design!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, 12 May 2011

WEEK 29!!!!

How big is your baby?
Your baby will be weighing in at around 2.54 pounds (1.153kg) and measuring 15.2 inches (38.6cm).
How big are you?
Your uterus now sits about 2.75-3.93 inches (7.5-10cm) above your bellybutton and about 11.4 inches (29cm) above your pubic symphysis.
Your total weight gain by this week should be around 18- 27 pounds (8.5-12.25kg).

How is your baby developing and growing
Your babys lungs will be developed enough that he/she would be able to breath air. Your babys brain is now developed enough that it can control rhythmic breathing, and so if your baby were to be born now, then he/she would be able to breathe on his/her own. In fact - with each passing day your babys chances of surviving outside of the womb increase dramatically.
You would be noticing a vast change now in your pregnancy week by week as your baby will be growing bigger and bigger quite quickly now. Because weight gain is so rapid now, babies that are bornprematurely, even if only a few weeks, may be tiny and a lot smaller than babies which go to the full term of your pregnancy.
Here are a couple of interesting factors about birth weight:
  • Boys weigh more than girls
  • Birth weight increases with the increasing number of pregnancies you have.
As your babys brain and senses develop he/she will become more and more sensitive to light and dark, sound, taste and even your babys skin is becoming sensitive. By the end of this week your babys eyes will even be capable of moving inside their sockets. Your baby will be practicing seeing.

Our Nutrition
You would no doubt have been listening to what you body has to say, and listening for any new 
discomforts, but are you listening to what your body is saying with regard to your nutrition?

Eat smaller meals more frequentlyHere are some helpful hints to help you on your eating and nutritional habits:
  • Keep nourishing snacks nearby
  • Drink lots of water
  • Raisins, nuts and dried fruit are great for when you are on the go.
  • Don't force yourself to eat something that your stomach doesn't agree with, there is always an alternative.

Pills I'm taking FYI!

Prenatal vitamin! It has Vit A,D,C,B1,B2, B6, B12, Folic acid, Nicotinamide, Pantothenic Acid, Calcium, Iodine, Iron,Magnesium, Copper, Zinc...I KNOW A LOT OF VIT AND MINERALS.


This would be the concoction of E.Excel Pearlin:
A herbal food concentrate rich in phytonutrients and specially formulated to help maintain your skin’s natural beauty. It is made from natural pearls, red dates and other ingredients. Daily consumption of PEARLIN/PEARLIN-II will nourish your beauty inside out. In addition, PEARLIN/PEARLIN-II also nourishes the female reproductive system.

Plus calcium pills and vitamin C pills


shortly after evening...I GOT A CONTRACTION SCARE... My tummy HURT LIKE CRAP and it hurt till i felt damn nauseous...just feel like puking the entire time with the DAMN BAD PERIOD CRAMPS...OMG....lucky it went off after 3 hours....*phew* BABY GIRL...ITS TOO EARLY FOR U TO COME OUT!....stay least for 10 more week ok?????????

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Written by someone that matches my thoughts

1. Special Considerations? No Way!
If you are unwed like me, you are not entitled to government benefits for married couples with children. If you are under 35 like me, you are not entitled to buy an HDB flat until you reach 35 years of age and when you do, you may only purchase under the “singles” scheme. If you are unwed like me, then your child is considered “illegitimate” which means that to make your child “legitimate”, you need to spend at least $3000 to adopt your own kid (huh? excuse me… he came out of my vagina leh). This also means that if you die without a will, all your assets would be given to your parents and not your child because the government considers your child as “illegitimate”. And by the way, you still need to pay taxes and your child, if a son, has to serve National Service. Is Lee Kuan Yew on Facebook reading this?
2. Visitation rights
Whether the biological father pays child maintenance or not, whether his name is on the birth certificate as the father or not, as long as he can prove that he is the biological father (via court ordered DNA), he is entitled to some form of visitation rights to your child. So you might as well claim child maintenance and not be “gung-ho” about going solo and doing this on your own. After all, since the government is not making it any easier (single moms dun get welfare/ handouts in Singapore), you certainly need ALL the help you can get.
3. Child Maintenance
Go for it! Unless of course getting a few hundred dollars is a real headache and simply not worth the emotional roller coaster or worse still, reliant dependency. For the record, I don’t get child maintenance. The last sum of money I got from my ex was to pay for the abortion that I did not go for, so I used it for maternity care instead. For those of you who are mothers, you know how far $2000 can get you in maternity care. The year I decided to take the leap of faith, quit my full time job and runFour Trimesters full time, I was barely afloat, if not sinking, for the first 1-1.5 years. Out of folly and desperation, I eventually decided that it was time my son’s biological father “paid his dues”. So I called him and explained the situation, and he asked me to email him in order to work out an arrangement. Hopeful I was – NOT! My emails starting bouncing back because he banned me from his email folder. Now this man owns more than 2 cars, lives in the prime district area. What can I say? I speculated as I did when he proposed marriage only upon finding out that I had canceled the scheduled abortion, that this was not a road worth walking, so I found another path.
4. Choose your battles wisely
A lifelong skill – choose your battles wisely. I tried three times before I was given a “special concession” to purchase a 3 room HDB flat at market rate. When I wanted to upgrade and re-appealed to buy a 4 or 5 room HDB flat, the authorities turned me down. I tried a couple of times to appeal only to discover that I have “progressed” to a point in my life where I am really tired of fighting. Don’t want sell me a 4 or 5 room HDB flat at market rate?? Fine, I’ll look for alternatives. Choose your battles wisely, just as when you decide if child maintenance is worth the emotional turmoil especially if you are in a situation where you have to chase the other for monthly payments.
5. Support… S U P P O R T… support
You need ALL the support you can get. ALL, I repeat. I agree with Malcolm Gladwell who debunks the myth of a “self-made man” in his book: Outliers – the story of success. Had it not been for the dedication of my family in the foundation years, even though only some of them supported me through and through, and in my later years, the strong network of close and trusted friends, I truly would not have made it this far. And it will probably be worth your while to strategize the kind of support you need, so as to maximize your access to resources.
I cannot do without my family and my friends, however, I have also learnt to be very selective when it comes to family and friends. I choose to be around people who are supportive of me as a person and a single mom especially in the early days, when hormones are all tender and all over the place and I needed a free flow of love and support.
6. Be your own woman
After  you are “seasoned” with experience (not so much age), you evolve into a tough cookie. By now, you would have probably learnt that you are on your own baby – with another to raise and feed. No one is going to stand up for you and your child, not even the people you pay taxes to and sometimes, very very sadly, your own family which violates your basic right to belong. You are on your own, so might as well get used to it and be bold.
So what if you pay $1,000 for your child’s kindergarden education which even married couples (read: dual income) would consider extravagant? So what if you do a thousand other things that are not the “norm”? It’s no longer about what others think….you are your own woman, be bold, and do what you have to do because at the end of the day, it is always easy for others to “speak behind your back” butno one, is walking your path in your shoes. So you earn the right to be your own woman. Besides you are already an “outcast” from society as an unwed mom.
7. Confidence
Unless of course, you’ve got confidence. You are only an outcast if you deem yourself an outcast. There is nothing wrong with being a single unwed mom. Nothing. The government may punish you for it and your family and friends might choose to abandon you. However, the last thing you want to do is to punish yourself and worse still, your child for it. So walk your talk woman!
8. Always remember that being a single mom is a choice
You could have gone for an abortion; you could have given your child away for adoption; you could have left your child outside a hospital (like a drama series), and you didn’t. Even though the situation wasn’t ideal. You chose to be a single mother, remember that.
9. When the going gets tough, the tough gets going.
There are only 2 options: you either sink or you float. However, if you choose the former, you take not one but two down with you – whilst science would prove that it would be much harder to float and a lot easier to sink – Science does not measure intangibles such as “love, faith, hope and determination” that keep us afloat when the going gets tough.
10. Oh Hell!
Then, there will be days when you will be at the end of your tether with some of the following attitudes “Damn it! This is hell, I can’t stand living this way!” or “What the hell have I gotten myself into?” Know that it’s okay and that you are okay…. life goes on… go back to reading points 8 and 9.
11. And please, don’t vent it on your child
This does not sound nice but it’s the truth, and I know, I am not the only one who does it. I plead guilty. The days when I could pull my hair out, the days when I cried buckets but not enough to flood the world so my problems could be swept away. Every day, every moment, every breath – is a new moment to start afresh. Bygones are bygones. Live in the present.
12. Remember that you have your own life to live
I know, it’s hard, especially when you need to work a full time job to pay the bills, send and pick up your child from childcare and don’t have extra help after work hours with baby-sitting etc. How to have a life? I started with a life “online” through parenting forums and support groups for the first few years. It was only when Kieran was about 6.5 years old that I started going out and establishing a life of my own. Bit by bit, step by step, some things can wait, but remember, you have your own life to lead.
13. It can get lonely
No matter how strong your support system is, there will be days when you wish you had that “someone” whom you could lean on and share both your joys and your sorrows. You can indulge by romanticizing or even grieving the absence of one, but girl, get moving after you are done because you are on your own. Disclaimer: if you believe in God, then you’ll also know that you are not walking alone even when it feels that way. And if you don’t, know that there are more than 500 single unwed moms out there lurking somewhere incognito in Singapore – who knows – one of them could be among your neighbours!


So, i have trolls asking me stupid questions. well..I DUN GIVE A DAMN. CAlling me loose? oh pls...get a life...u dun even know me fat...SO WHAT? I AM MAKING A BABY INSIDE ME. YOU THINK I CARE ABOUT WHETHER I AM FAT OR NOT? GOSH..and apparently you all like me soooo much to ask me sooo many questions and to follow my blog and ask me questions...if u hate me so much.....GET LOST. GET ON WITH YOUR OWN LIFE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Now this explains my aches in my joints...

Why am I having tingling and numbness in my hands during pregnancy?

These sensations are most likely caused by carpal tunnel syndrome. Although you probably associate this condition with people whose jobs require repetitive hand movements (such as data processors, computer programmers, and assembly-line workers), it's also more prevalent in pregnant women.

Symptoms may include numbness, tingling, burning, pain, or a dull ache in the fingers, hand, wrist, and even up the arm to the shoulder. In severe chronic cases, your hand may feel clumsy or weak.

Symptoms usually affect both hands and can appear at any time, but they're more likely to begin or worsen in the second half of pregnancy when women tend to retain more fluid. The symptoms usually go away gradually after you give birth, as the swelling from pregnancy subsides.

What causes carpal tunnel syndrome during pregnancy?

The carpal tunnel is a bony canal formed by the wrist bones on three sides and a ligament that runs across the wrist on the other. The swelling and fluid retention that's so common during pregnancy can increase the pressure in this relatively narrow and inflexible space, compressing the median nerve that runs through it.

The median nerve gives sensation to the thumb and the index, middle, and half of the ring finger and is responsible for movement of a muscle at the base of the thumb. Pressure on this nerve is what causes the symptoms.

What can I do to relieve the pain?

If possible, avoid any activity that requires forceful, repetitive hand movements. Although these movements may not have caused your carpal tunnel syndrome, they can make your symptoms worse.

If your job requires this kind of movement and you must continue it, consider wearing wrist or hand braces while you work.

If you're working at a computer, adjust the height of your chair so your wrists aren't bent downward as you type. Using a special ergonomic keyboard can help in some cases. Remember to take breaks to stretch your hands.

If your symptoms bother you at night, shift your sleeping position and try to prop up your arm with a pillow or two when you feel the twinges. Avoid sleeping on your hands. If you wake up with pain, try shaking your hands until the pain or numbness goes away.

If you have a lot of discomfort at night, try stabilizing your wrist in a neutral position (not bent) with a splint or brace. A neutral position allows the carpal tunnel to be slightly wider.

Practicing yoga can help relieve the pain and increase hand strength. You may have heard that taking extra vitamin B6 can help, but two small clinical trials have shown no immediate benefit from this treatment.

Needa hydrate!

ow my heart is beating damn fast and strong...I can feel it from hot....

Shouldn't have napped...

I CAVED IN!!!! Caved in to the afternoon tiredness...*mumble mumble* I was SOO tired i fell asleep watching  my favourite CSI...I FELL ASLEEP WATCHING CSI!!!!! OMG! And now i am awake but i can feel the sleepiness creeping in...gonna finish watching 2 more episodes to finish the season. starting to feel groggy...lucky i have nothing on tmr...just gonna plan the baby shower, practice some piano, do some baby planning..oh right...i am dehydrated these few days...have been drinking A LOT of water today..spam!!!!!!! And milk..2 bowls. Improvement..the goodness for the baby. ^^ I shall find an excuse for napping..I AM SURE I CAN FIND IT!.

Ops...can't find...ahhahaa.a...but its common for preggers to feel fatigue during the last trimester WHICH I AM IN NOW...cos I'm getting heavier and heavier and same goes to the little one. BUT I AM THE ONE CARRYING HER...its like carrying a 2kg weight 24 hours and it keeps increasing in mass every goes 2 ounces EVERY DAY inside me...and 2 ounces is aorund 56 grams..that is A LOT of weight baby grows PER DAY! ow...the braxton hicks....tightening while i am typing....think i'm NOT gonna have a good nights sleep..due to the spam of water...i am SOO thirsty and Makayla's moving around SOO much now...i shall try to empty my bladder as much as I can and go to bed...groggy already...ZZZZZZZZ oil has no effect on pregnant women and the growing baby inside..

As according to oil has no extra benefits to the no point taking...CHEH....i shall stick to prenatal vitamins..1 per day! And the is SUCKING my calcium still..or not...i'm not sure..let me go check...oh right

When you're pregnant, your developing baby needs calcium to build strong bones and teeth; to grow a healthy heart, nerves, and muscles; and to develop a normal heart rhythm and blood-clotting abilities. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet when you're pregnant, your baby will draw it from your bones, which may impair your own health later on.

Women over 18: 1,000 milligrams (mg) a day before, during, and after pregnancy

hahahahha FOUND IT! that is  A LOT OF CALCIUM.....1 cup of fruit yogurt is only 345mg..i will need like 3-4 cups per day...=.= that's important den....not the fish oil..AFTER Makayla's out...the milk will be FULL of omega 3....

Monday, 9 May 2011

Its braxton hicks day!

I'm having the practice cramps....its practicing how to 'push'! hahahaha...pain and stop.....after a few hours...pain and stop...

oh right! talking abt Makayla..

I had a student today at i set my alarm at 10 and after the alarm rang i cancelled and set a new one at 1030 cos i was so damn sleepy..and den it went of at 1030...I JUST COULDN'T WAKE UP! UNTIL...............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Makayla gave me a DAMN HARD KICK in the side of my stomach until i woke up in shock. =.=....THANKS AH MAKAYLA! My "INNER" clock...literally...haha. I am sooo tired...


So, the baby shower will be held at my place..or aunty's place at yishun...gonna have to set a budget and buy some 'party' stuff. I would need to plan a few baby shower games...BETTING WILL BE INCLUDED! So, girls..prepare your cash! hahahahahahaha. Good food too! Leave it to me. *Makayla kicked* ahahaahahahaa see? even my girl says leave it to my mummy. mummy's a damn good cook! CHICKEN WINGS IS A MUST! I will prepare a huge bunch of healthy food and the only not that healthy food would be the chicken Baby shower games are gonna be secret till the actual day. ^^....hmm...wad else do i need to prepare..oh yea...the shopping list for you guys! Baby Cot/playpen....cute bath tub...shower wash??? seriously i dunno wad else to prepare...just typing about the baby shower is making me excited..lolz..Ah.......omg..wait..I AM GONNA BE A MUM?!?!?!?! wow..i am still in shock...i will always be...Makayla's in shock too...'I AM GROWING 2 OUNCES A DAY?! GOSH.."...haha so damn active tonight! Her kicks are SO strong today. Can see it from the outisde..dun even have to touch..i am looking at my stomach. active active girl...*yawns* Makayla...mummy's tired.....STOP MOVING SO I CAN SLEEP!!*yawns*


milk and frosties!!! yea..i admit..high in sugar...hahahhahaahah...BUT U CAN'T DENY A PREGGERS HER CRAVING RIGHT.....*puppy eyes* hahahaahahahaaa..ok.....high.......*breathe* relax....back to CSI!

Sunday, 8 May 2011


THE KILLER OF MY PREGNANCY....THE BACK PAIN! OW...You know how that pain is??? YOU WUN KNOW UNTIL YOU ARE PREGNANT! It is THAT bad until i can't sit for more den a few hours. unlike last time...omg....stand also cannot stand too long...right....MY FEET!!! IT GREW AT LEAST 1 SIZE!!! The shoe hurt my leg SOOO bad....lesson: DO NOT WEAR COVERED SHOES WHEN U ARE PREGGERSS....HAYYELLL NOOOOOO


OI BODY! Its either very bad hurt burn OR very bad back ache...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! And now my back ache is SOOOO bad until I can't even bend down more den 5 degrees.....urgh...pain pain pain pain...student tmr morning! gonna wear my nice blue maternity dress out tmr!