Tuesday, 18 December 2012



It has been MONTHS since i posted stuff here. LOL. ANYWAY a quick update:

I am still SINGLE. Michaela is 17 months today. Words she can say are: mama, ahma, gor gor, jie jie. Thats all! LOL.

BUT for understanding of words, she can react and understand these: ball, water, milk, mum mum (food), bathe, socks, shoes, pillow, lulu(her doll), lily(her another doll), chut chut (pacifier), tissue, mojo(a retarded monkey i got from build a bear), oppa gangnam style, eh sexy lady, piano, ukelele, sit, stand, orh orh (lie down), sayang(carress), clap hands. At least these are a few that i found out she knows.

She can also understand sentences like, take out your socks (both in chinese and english). Take out your shoes (Chinese and English also). And to add a "lei" behind any word means u are asking her where the item is. For example " lulu lei?" she will go grab the doll and bring it back to u. OH no forgetting, when she is holding smt, i will just have to say 'give mama' and she'll pass it to me.

She is very very POSSESSIVE. Like extremely. And she throws tantrums when i dun give her what she wants and as of today that would be independence. She wants to do everything herself. Feeding, Bathing, wearing clothes. Feeding I do let her self feed depend on food. bathing wise i also let her bathe herself AFTER i am done bathing her. wearing clothes obviously she can't really do it yet, but she will lift up her legs while standing for me to wear the pants or shorts.

Since a newborn she HATES things on her head, esp hats and stuff. So till now i dun really put stuff on her head becos she will go NUTS.

Food wise, she is basically eating whatever i eat. LOL, I can't think of anymore things to update tho.....

Michaela is officially 17 months old today!

Monday, 30 July 2012

Michaela 1 week old vs 1 year old.

The head is still prone to tilt to the same side. hahahaa. Look at how much she has grown!!

Michaela's 1st bdae.

well we had too much fun and I forgot to take pictures. ROFL. I could only find a few. So there it is.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Missing Michaela...

Today is the 4th day I have been living without my crazy girl. She's in Malaysia with my aunty due to my helper's dad passing away and she has to go back to her country for a week. I miss her like crazy!!!!

Monday, 18 June 2012

Michaela is 11 months old today!

Time flies! Michaela is 11 months old today! 1 more month to her big 1. Its just gonna be a small celebration. nothing much. She can now use her pincer grasp to pick up raisins. can crawl up the stairs up and down 3 times.

Friday, 25 May 2012

Michaela has turned 10 months old!

Little update buy yea she's 10 months and 2 weeks old.. Anyway she still has to be swaddle to sleep. Lol. Comfortable i guess...

Happy 9 months old michaela!!!!!!

Michael is 9 months old! She can currently pull herself up to stand and stand unaided for a few seconds. Still can't say mama tho.. But its ok:) babies develop at different speeds:) love her max!!!

Saturday, 18 February 2012

Cry baby is 7 months old today!

Time really flies.. My little boss is not little anymore... She is 7 months old today!! Things she can do: roll from back to front front to back.. Crawl sideways.. Sit without support hands free for 10 secs. Eats finger food like biscuits.. Rusks.. Stretch out her arms when she wants someone to carry her... Objects very violently when u take away something she's holding especially food. My fave: tapping her foot when i play the piano..

Sunday, 29 January 2012

Michaela is teething......

Her 1st tooth is coming out and she's very cranky...can't sleep and keep fussing..low grade fever too...guess that's how it is...teething...I have a few teething rings for her..apparently she loves the links the most and the rusks...yummy rusks...she's trying to fall asleep now...hopefully she falls asleep fast so i can fall go to sleep too..

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Michaela is 6 months old today!

Happy 6 months old! Mummy just got back from work...time to update! I love you lots baby girl. xoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, 9 January 2012

Monday, 2 January 2012

Michaela's favourite food till date

I have quite a fussy eater...

Michaela's likes: friscocream wheat based cereal, avocado, banana, pumpkin, apple+carrot juice, basically most veggies.

Michaela's dislikes: apple, pear, rice cereal, oatmeal, peas, green beans basically most fruits

Loves Bottled/readymade: golden vegetables, heinz's pumpkin beef and potato

Hates bottled/readymade: peach, peas and rice, apple, pear, banana and rice porridge.

These are the ones i found out... The others are awaiting my discovery.