We needed to find out:
1) How many weeks pregnant am I?
2)Is the baby healthy?
I stepped into the clinic place, it was sooooo cute. there was baby pictures EVERYWHERE. i am serious. will take a picture and update y'all. from 4d pictures of babies till they were out of the mummy...awww....anyway u'll know wad i'm talking abt soon. I filled in the particulars, they took my weight and blood pressure. kinda standard procedure everytime i go for checkup. So, went in, the doctor was a old man. Very kind looking old man who knew what he was doing. i highly rec him for people who wans a good gynae. (he's not cheap). lol
Anyway, i was put to lay down on the bed. Doctor started the ultrasound and squeezed some gel on my stomach. Put the 'wand' on my stomach. 1st thing i saw was black. lol...'I HAVE NO FREAKING IDEA WAD I WAS LOOKING AT!!!' So, the doctor started to zoom in. Then i realised what i was looking at. my uterus with a small thingy at the bottom, MY BABY. At that point it was called an embryo. the best part? IT HAD A HEARTBEAT. I think was going at 190 beats per min. lolz. it was beating damn fast. i could see the shape of the head also. the basic head and body with no hands and legs YET. I was 7 weeks and 3 days pregnant. And my baby was 1.22cm, due date 4th of august.
Here's the picture:
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